
What Are Fixer Upper Home Loans, Should You Get Them & How?

After becoming curious about the real estate market and about investment opportunities, you’ve done your research on the options you have if you want to join that world. It is during that research that you have come across the idea of purchasing a fixer-upper, that is, of purchasing a property, renovating it, and then selling it for profit, or perhaps renting it out for the same reason. Yet, you have realized that you don’t really have that much money, and you may have put your dream of entering the real estate investment world on hold.

Read more about the concept of flipping houses:

Did you really have to put that dream on hold, though? If you’ve done any research on how you can obtain the money you need, then you have most likely come across some financing solutions that make one thing clear. No, you do not have to put that dream on hold.

One of those solutions you’ve come across is called a fixer upper home loan, also known as a renovation, rehab, as well as a hard money loan. Nevertheless, as you want to be responsible with your money, you certainly don’t want to jump right towards getting this type of a loan without even understanding what it entails, and whether it is right for you or not. Furthermore, should you decide to go for it, you will want to know how to do it right.

It seems, thus, that you have a lot of questions on your mind. From what these loans entail to how to get them, you want to know it all. And, if you continue reading, you will learn what you need to know, because I will answer those questions for you below, shedding light on the entire concept and helping you clearly understand whether the option is right for you and how to grab the right opportunity. So, without any more ado, let us start answering the questions.

What Are Fixer Upper Home Loans?

Naturally, we have to start by defining the actual concept. You want to know what fixer upper home loans entail before you proceed towards digging deeper for information on whether they are right for you, and on how to get them. Let me, thus, cut right to the chase.

As mentioned, we are talking about hard money loans here. That means that the loan is based on the collateral that will secure it, rather than your credit score. Therefore, it is a great option for people who don’t have great credit scores, but who would still like to borrow some money in order to buy a property.


In this particular case, we’re referring to fixer upper home loans, which are essentially hard money loans that people use to buy property that needs to be renovated. This financial product is structured to cover not only the costs of purchasing the property, but also the costs of renovating it. So, when you borrow money this way, you will get enough to buy the house you’re after, as well as to do all the necessary repairs to improve its condition.

Should You Get a Loan Like This?

You now understand what these financial products entail. What you are wondering next, though, is whether you should get a loan like this or not. Well, that depends. Some people are the perfect candidates for this financial solutions, while others aren’t. And, if you’ve been paying attention to what I’ve been saying above, then you probably already get who the ideal candidates are.


To cut to the chase, these hard money loans are perfect for those people who want to join the real estate investment world by flipping houses. Basically, you get the money you need to buy and renovate a property, and then you sell it, repay the short-term loan that you’ve taken out and have enough money left as profit. Of course, the trick is in finding those properties that have the potential for substantial value appreciation, because that is how you will earn more. Click this to get an even better understanding of hard money loans.

Furthermore, you can also be the perfect candidate if you want to keep the property and rent it out for a profit. In this case, what people do is get the hard money loan, buy and renovate the property, and then refinance it into a traditional long-term loan, paying off the fixer upper one they have previously taken out. This way, they can keep the property and proceed towards renting it out, securing recurring income.

How to Do It?

If you’ve thought about it for a while, and if you’ve realized that you are actually the right candidates for fixer upper home loans, then what you want to do next is figure out how to actually get a great one for you. Well, as I suppose it is perfectly logical already, the quality of the financial product you will get will depend on the lender you choose to work with in this process. Meaning, thus, that your main focus should be on finding the perfect lender.

Research more of them. Check the interest rates they are offering, as well as the maximum and minimum borrowing amounts, and the repayment periods. Of course, remember to check their requirements for lending you the money, so as to ensure you meet them. Once you compare different lenders, you’ll be ready to choose the one you believe is right for you and file your application for this financial product, thus getting the money you need to join the real estate investment world.